

Plan identification number 594


401k Plan TypeWelfare Benefit
Plan Features/Benefits
  • Health (other than dental or vision)
  • Life insurance
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Temporary disability (accident and sickness)
  • Long-term disability cover
  • Death benefits (include travel accident but not life insurance)
  • Other welfare benefit cover

401k Sponsoring company profile

LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.

Employer identification number (EIN):521893632
NAIC Classification:339900

Additional information about LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION

Jurisdiction of Incorporation: Maryland Secretary of State
Incorporation Date:
Company Identification Number: D03964756


Form 5500 Filing Information

Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN

Plan id# Filing Submission Date Name of Administrator Date Administrator SignedName of Company SponsorDate Sponsor Signed
5942014-01-01DONALD REMSCH DONALD REMSCH2015-09-25
5942013-01-01DONALD REMSCH DONALD REMSCH2014-09-29
5942012-01-01DONALD REMSCH DONALD REMSCH2013-10-11
5942011-01-01DONALD REMSCH DONALD REMSCH2012-09-25
5942010-01-01DONALD REMSCH DONALD REMSCH2011-10-04


401k plan membership statisitcs for LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN

Measure Date Value
2023: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2023 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2023-01-01107,520
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002023-01-01112,559
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2023-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2023-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2023-01-01112,559
2022: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2022 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2022-01-01105,609
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002022-01-01107,520
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2022-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2022-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2022-01-01107,520
2021: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2021 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2021-01-01106,650
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002021-01-01105,609
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2021-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2021-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2021-01-01105,609
2020: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2020 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2020-01-01103,672
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002020-01-01106,650
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2020-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2020-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2020-01-01106,650
2019: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2019 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2019-01-0197,168
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002019-01-01103,672
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2019-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2019-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2019-01-01103,672
2018: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2018 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2018-01-0189,990
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002018-01-0197,168
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2018-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2018-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2018-01-0197,168
2017: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2017 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2017-01-0177,926
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002017-01-0189,990
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2017-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2017-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2017-01-0189,990
2016: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2016 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2016-01-0193,568
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002016-01-0177,926
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2016-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2016-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2016-01-0177,926
2015: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2015 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2015-01-0179,656
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002015-01-0193,568
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2015-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2015-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2015-01-0193,568
2014: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2014 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2014-01-0180,372
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002014-01-0179,656
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2014-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2014-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2014-01-0179,656
2013: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2013 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2013-01-0185,480
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002013-01-0180,372
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2013-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2013-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2013-01-0180,372
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2013-01-010
Total participants2013-01-0180,372
2012: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2012 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2012-01-0186,832
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002012-01-0185,480
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2012-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2012-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2012-01-0185,480
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2012-01-010
Total participants2012-01-0185,480
2011: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2011 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2011-01-0194,381
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002011-01-0186,832
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2011-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2011-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2011-01-0186,832
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2011-01-010
Total participants2011-01-0186,832
2010: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2010 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2010-01-0199,626
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002010-01-0194,381
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2010-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2010-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2010-01-0194,381
Number of deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits2010-01-010
Total participants2010-01-0194,381
2009: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2009 401k membership
Total participants, beginning-of-year2009-01-01100,189
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002009-01-0199,626
Total of all active and inactive participants2009-01-0199,626


2023: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2023 form 5500 responses
2023-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2023-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2023-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2023-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2023-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2023-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2022 form 5500 responses
2022-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2022-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2022-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2022-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2022-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2022-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2021 form 5500 responses
2021-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2021-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2021-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2021-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2021-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2021-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2020 form 5500 responses
2020-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2020-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2020-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2020-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2020-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2019 form 5500 responses
2019-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2019-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2019-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2019-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2019-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2018 form 5500 responses
2018-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2018-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2018-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2018-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2018-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2017 form 5500 responses
2017-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2017-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2017-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2017-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2017-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2016 form 5500 responses
2016-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2016-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2016-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2016-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2016-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2015 form 5500 responses
2015-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2015-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2015-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2015-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2015-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2014 form 5500 responses
2014-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2014-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2014-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2014-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2014-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2013 form 5500 responses
2013-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2013-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2013-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2013-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2013-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2012: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2012 form 5500 responses
2012-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2012-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2012-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2012-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2012-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2012-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2012-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2012-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2012-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2011: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2011 form 5500 responses
2011-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2011-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2011-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2011-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2011-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2011-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2011-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2010: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2010 form 5500 responses
2010-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2010-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2010-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2010-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2010-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2010-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2010-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2010-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2010-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2009: LOCKHEED MARTIN GROUP BENEFITS PLAN 2009 form 5500 responses
2009-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2009-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2009-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2009-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2009-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planYes
2009-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2009-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2009-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2009-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes

Insurance Providers Used on plan

AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered18
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $586,024
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number64761
Policy instance 43
Insurance contract or identification number64761
Number of Individuals Covered1160
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $627,911
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $111,006
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $713,879
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 0008358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 0008358
Number of Individuals Covered11
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,649,956
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered96480
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $91,574
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered47297
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $36,243
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered7543
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,565
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,618,865
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered114079
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $28,002
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $8,595,983
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered87
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,854,346
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered193
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,629,310
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 0008348
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 0008348
Number of Individuals Covered49185
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $14,178,815
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number35881
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number35881
Number of Individuals Covered1986
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $20,305,606
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number101200
Number of Individuals Covered205
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,334,247
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered39
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,048,879
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered28
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,011,642
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1048
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $37,800,543
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered50
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,784,287
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered4
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,757
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered149
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $26,682
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract numberC952
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification numberC952
Number of Individuals Covered183
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,340,596
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & 605635
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & 605635
Number of Individuals Covered1467
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $53,072
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,352,385
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ0007632
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ0007632
Number of Individuals Covered2249
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $585,192
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD0074268
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD0074268
Number of Individuals Covered4496
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedPAID FAMILY LEAVE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,085,763
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 0018358
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 0018358
Number of Individuals Covered2073
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $532,266
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (U.S.A.) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65838 )
Policy contract number28260
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification number28260
Number of Individuals Covered5013
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $8,688,497
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number35512
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number35512
Number of Individuals Covered980
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,004,430
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95672 )
Policy contract number1924400
Policy instance 37
Insurance contract or identification number1924400
Number of Individuals Covered91
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,556
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $869,520
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ARAG SERVICES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 0000 )
Policy contract number18447-0001-1-2
Policy instance 38
Insurance contract or identification number18447-0001-1-2
Number of Individuals Covered35832
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $460,411
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLEGAL
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,541,626
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number233619
Policy instance 39
Insurance contract or identification number233619
Number of Individuals Covered1876
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $63,416
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,908,696
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number99267
Policy instance 40
Insurance contract or identification number99267
Number of Individuals Covered10000
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,277,687
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,244,925
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,388,445
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number64759
Policy instance 41
Insurance contract or identification number64759
Number of Individuals Covered53998
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,378,601
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,772,014
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedCRITICAL ILLNESS & ACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $14,475,551
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number64760
Policy instance 42
Insurance contract or identification number64760
Number of Individuals Covered1935
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,134,021
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $629,034
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,484,737
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444 - GUL
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number24444 - GUL
Number of Individuals Covered62474
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $226,090
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,251,707
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered112559
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $885,262
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered82991
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,440,214
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered7
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $507
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 0100000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 0100000
Number of Individuals Covered91
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,679
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI0001120
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI0001120
Number of Individuals Covered178
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $17,930
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $424
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered4052
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $375,354
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered16
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $165,346
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered281
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,366,321
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered392
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $15,765
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $9,060
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,650,526
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered5161
Insurance policy start date2023-01-01
Insurance policy end date2023-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,908,782
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered10
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $115,398
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered209
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,559,285
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered416
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,033
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $27,420
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,654,393
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,033
Amount paid for insurance broker fees27420
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerANNUAL BOB
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered4875
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,794,421
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered74889
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,314,625
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered107520
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $885,262
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444 - GUL
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number24444 - GUL
Number of Individuals Covered62638
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $203,380
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,268,586
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1268586
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerTHIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATION FEES
Insurance broker organization code?5
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered49148
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,200,900
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $330,147
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedCRITICAL ILLNESS & ACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,400,883
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,200,900
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees330147
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered4036
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $372,004
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $522
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered164
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,985
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered7765
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $8,862
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,593,158
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $8,862
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered113598
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $34,669
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $8,583,039
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $34,669
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered98
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,040,171
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered195
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,453,842
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2171
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $542,951
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered4235
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,917,436
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered9
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $698
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered87
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $15
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,717
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $15
Insurance broker organization code?3
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number93714
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number93714
Number of Individuals Covered10000
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,404,781
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,970,211
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $842,919
Insurance broker organization code?3
JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (U.S.A.) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65838 )
Policy contract number28260
Policy instance 37
Insurance contract or identification number28260
Number of Individuals Covered5116
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,802,625
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number35512
Policy instance 38
Insurance contract or identification number35512
Number of Individuals Covered1052
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,026,407
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & 605635
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & 605635
Number of Individuals Covered1432
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $51,405
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,253,813
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $51,405
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number101200
Number of Individuals Covered241
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,594,561
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number35881
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number35881
Number of Individuals Covered1814
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,066,959
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008348
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008348
Number of Individuals Covered49340
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $14,125,789
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 018358
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 018358
Number of Individuals Covered2126
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $879
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $471,773
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $879
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008358
Number of Individuals Covered11
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,772,723
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered97165
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $101,167
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $101,167
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered47566
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $42,268
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $42,268
Insurance broker organization code?3
ARAG SERVICES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 0000 )
Policy contract number18447-0001-1-2
Policy instance 40
Insurance contract or identification number18447-0001-1-2
Number of Individuals Covered29142
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $306,319
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLEGAL
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,891,854
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $190,645
Insurance broker organization code?3
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract numberC952
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification numberC952
Number of Individuals Covered170
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,071,637
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered4934
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $629,398
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95672 )
Policy contract number1924400
Policy instance 39
Insurance contract or identification number1924400
Number of Individuals Covered73
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,179
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $616,447
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,179
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number233619
Policy instance 41
Insurance contract or identification number233619
Number of Individuals Covered1550
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $53,788
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,196,953
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $53,788
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered19
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $567,611
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered42
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,075,076
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered36
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,194,662
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1174
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $40,606,715
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered55
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,838,184
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered141
Insurance policy start date2022-01-01
Insurance policy end date2022-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $77,519
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008358
Number of Individuals Covered8626
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,382,447
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered96111
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $45,912
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $45,912
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered48243
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,998
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,998
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8080
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,781
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,545,473
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,781
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered116696
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $15,329
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $8,912,208
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $15,329
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered107
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,208,501
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered208
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,190,895
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008348
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008348
Number of Individuals Covered50636
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $47,962
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,845,082
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $47,962
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number35881
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number35881
Number of Individuals Covered1720
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,861,456
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & 233619
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & 233619
Number of Individuals Covered1621
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $58,988
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,894,679
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $58,988
Insurance broker organization code?3
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered50
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,295,961
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered39
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,325,134
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1308
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $43,683,728
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered62
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,028,922
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered160
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $84,573
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered5184
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $641,360
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract numberC952
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification numberC952
Number of Individuals Covered169
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,082,501
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & 605635
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & 605635
Number of Individuals Covered1447
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $63,739
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,009,177
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $63,739
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2093
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $418,795
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered5381
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,526,604
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered13
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,020
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered44338
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,485,610
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $196,165
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedCRITICAL ILLNESS & ACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,030,295
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,107,941
Amount paid for insurance broker fees196165
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number93714
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number93714
Number of Individuals Covered10000
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,335,768
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $335,768
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,660,331
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,127,555
Amount paid for insurance broker fees335768
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (U.S.A.) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65838 )
Policy contract number28260
Policy instance 37
Insurance contract or identification number28260
Number of Individuals Covered5237
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,634,802
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number35512
Policy instance 38
Insurance contract or identification number35512
Number of Individuals Covered1126
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,132,879
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95672 )
Policy contract number1924400
Policy instance 39
Insurance contract or identification number1924400
Number of Individuals Covered66
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,005
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $582,890
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,005
Insurance broker organization code?3
ARAG SERVICES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 0000 )
Policy contract number18447-0001-001
Policy instance 40
Insurance contract or identification number18447-0001-001
Number of Individuals Covered25280
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $283,452
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLEGAL
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,549,178
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $243,345
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered21
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $667,554
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 018358
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 018358
Number of Individuals Covered2107
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,043
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $485,446
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,043
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444 - GUL
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number24444 - GUL
Number of Individuals Covered63319
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $112,772
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,288,383
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1288383
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerTHIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATION FEES
Insurance broker organization code?5
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered105609
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $885,262
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered72218
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,296,926
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered94
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $55
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $8,817
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $55
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered94
Insurance policy start date2020-02-01
Insurance policy end date2021-01-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $29,280
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered3
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,271
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered3934
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $367,133
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered8
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $75,920
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered149
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,356,453
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered428
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $19,828
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $54,768
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,910,642
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $11,475
Amount paid for insurance broker fees54768
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerANNUAL BOB
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered5002
Insurance policy start date2021-01-01
Insurance policy end date2021-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,956,147
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number35881
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification number35881
Number of Individuals Covered1630
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,938,695
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008348
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008348
Number of Individuals Covered213
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $47,864
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $16,083,975
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $47,864
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 018358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 018358
Number of Individuals Covered27
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,914
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $471,220
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,914
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSION
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 008358
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 008358
Number of Individuals Covered8675
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,104,846
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered95686
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $43,992
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $43,992
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered50254
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $24,107
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $24,107
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8457
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $4,764
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,592,482
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $4,764
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered122671
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,742
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,264,053
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,742
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & 233619
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & 233619
Number of Individuals Covered1527
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $51,741
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $18,153,339
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $51,741
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & 605635
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & 605635
Number of Individuals Covered1524
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $64,393
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,412,773
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $64,393
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract numberC952
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification numberC952
Number of Individuals Covered157
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,922,936
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered23
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $736,161
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered54
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,277,773
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered45
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,447,777
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1402
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $46,069,447
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered67
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,263,609
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62308 )
Policy contract number0408779
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number0408779
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $31
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered172
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $97,455
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered5116
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $662,234
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered113
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,064,370
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered218
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,075,473
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2103
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $383,456
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered72328
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,222,517
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,101,170
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444 - GUL
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number24444 - GUL
Number of Individuals Covered66059
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $104,646
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,303,311
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1303311
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerTHIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATION FEES
Insurance broker organization code?5
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 37
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered44338
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,830,969
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,937,051
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedCRITICAL ILLNESS & ACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $14,878,107
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,830,969
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1937051
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number93714
Policy instance 38
Insurance contract or identification number93714
Number of Individuals Covered17677
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,360,254
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $596,239
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $6,883,520
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,360,254
Amount paid for insurance broker fees596239
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (U.S.A.) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65838 )
Policy contract number28260
Policy instance 39
Insurance contract or identification number28260
Number of Individuals Covered5374
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,843,547
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number35512
Policy instance 40
Insurance contract or identification number35512
Number of Individuals Covered1206
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,125,894
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95672 )
Policy contract number1924400
Policy instance 41
Insurance contract or identification number1924400
Number of Individuals Covered63
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $553,999
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered4942
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,845,771
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered398
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,452
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $47,925
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,702,018
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,452
Amount paid for insurance broker fees47925
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING ANNUAL BOB
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered124
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,199,023
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered5593
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,083,350
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered17
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,379
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MONUMENTAL LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66281 )
Policy contract number1784/1937
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification number1784/1937
Number of Individuals Covered39
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $58,700
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered6
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $124
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,691
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $124
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered25
Insurance policy start date2019-02-01
Insurance policy end date2020-01-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,533
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered3
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,271
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered3857
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $367,444
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered6
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $28
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $67,708
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees28
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerRETENTION BONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract number41635
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number41635
Number of Individuals Covered153
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,663,926
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & SUBS
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1580
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $60,644
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,690,577
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $60,644
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & SUBS
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1441
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $41,673
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,785,660
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $41,673
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number2001-001 & SUBS
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification number2001-001 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1700
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $31,506
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,144,241
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $31,506
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008348
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008348
Number of Individuals Covered54567
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $48,421
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,414,397
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $48,421
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS SALES & SERVICE
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK018358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK018358
Number of Individuals Covered2230
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,663
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $416,069
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,663
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSION
Insurance broker organization code?3
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered6295
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $796,196
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered209
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $114,130
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62308 )
Policy contract number0408779
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number0408779
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,046
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered79
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,400,429
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1493
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $43,995,936
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered54
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,571,011
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered109
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,674,501
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered27
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $830,245
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444-1
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number24444-1
Number of Individuals Covered65051
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $108,704
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $1,287,897
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $0
Amount paid for insurance broker fees1287897
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerTPA
Insurance broker organization code?5
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008358
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008358
Number of Individuals Covered103672
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,027,214
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered95244
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $40,860
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $40,860
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,101,170
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered353
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $39,500
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,506,604
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $39,500
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered104
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,867
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $902,307
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,867
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered5
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $582
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $147,282
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $582
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered3844
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $372,011
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered3
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,174
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered194
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,680
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered87
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $123
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $17,714
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $123
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
MONUMENTAL LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66281 )
Policy contract number1784/1937
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification number1784/1937
Number of Individuals Covered43
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $72,600
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered21
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,643
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered4611
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $748,217
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2447
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $413,170
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered225
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,947,162
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered116
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,953,119
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered125485
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,909
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,501,506
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,909
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered4394
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,677,363
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8777
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $4,637
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,833,470
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $4,637
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered51484
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $24,549
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $24,549
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered70768
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $10,968,001
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered78
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $65
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $294,974
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $65
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF THE NORTHWEST (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95540 )
Policy contract number21201
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification number21201
Number of Individuals Covered36
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,853
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $261,703
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,853
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered4037
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $20,098
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $398,165
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $20,098
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered3
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,333
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered159
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $49,624
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 53031 )
Policy contract number30077627
Policy instance 34
Insurance contract or identification number30077627
Number of Individuals Covered63118
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,893,209
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MONUMENTAL LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66281 )
Policy contract number1784/1937
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification number1784/1937
Number of Individuals Covered62
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $73,400
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered23
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,123
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF GEORGIA INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96237 )
Policy contract number10306
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number10306
Number of Individuals Covered57
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,156
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $594,242
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,156
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS OF MID-ATLANTIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95639 )
Policy contract number24776
Policy instance 32
Insurance contract or identification number24776
Number of Individuals Covered397
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $9,188
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,732,640
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $9,188
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number35512
Policy instance 42
Insurance contract or identification number35512
Number of Individuals Covered1353
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,246,977
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (U.S.A.) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65838 )
Policy contract number28260
Policy instance 41
Insurance contract or identification number28260
Number of Individuals Covered5665
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedLONG TERM CARE
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,107,374
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number24444-1
Policy instance 40
Insurance contract or identification number24444-1
Number of Individuals Covered63712
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $96,320
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $96,320
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-1
Policy instance 39
Insurance contract or identification number43406-1
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedTRAVEL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,134,842
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number2500544/3341110
Policy instance 33
Insurance contract or identification number2500544/3341110
Number of Individuals Covered5209
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,064,866
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract number93714
Policy instance 37
Insurance contract or identification number93714
Number of Individuals Covered10000
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $871,538
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $4,347,743
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $871,538
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number233619
Policy instance 36
Insurance contract or identification number233619
Number of Individuals Covered698
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $25,844
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $7,240,008
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $25,844
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number605635
Policy instance 35
Insurance contract or identification number605635
Number of Individuals Covered1269
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $50,806
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,957,345
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $50,806
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered8528
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $613,668
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2034
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $118,792
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & SUBS
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered261
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,867,447
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered30
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $984,980
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
GROUP HEALTH OPTIONS, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47055 )
Policy contract number6778600
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number6778600
Number of Individuals Covered72
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,586,367
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered56
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,452,793
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1610
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $43,119,995
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered93
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,445,262
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62308 )
Policy contract number0408779
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number0408779
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $706
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number70715
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number70715
Number of Individuals Covered706
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $742,091
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered10264
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,186,125
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & SUBS
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered414
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,563,729
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number2001-001 & SUBS
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification number2001-001 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1719
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $97,062
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,689,488
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $97,062
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCONSULTING
Insurance broker organization code?3
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered230
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,716,487
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered117
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,043,988
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered122094
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $14,407
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,607,558
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $14,407
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8537
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,260
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,758,762
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,260
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered50329
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $20,414
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $20,414
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered91051
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $60,756
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $60,756
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008358
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008358
Number of Individuals Covered13
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,693,168
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK018358
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK018358
Number of Individuals Covered2081
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,041
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $284,818
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,041
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSION
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008348
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008348
Number of Individuals Covered54343
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $58,898
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $15,372,824
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $58,898
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS SALES & SERVICE
Insurance broker organization code?3
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract number41635
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number41635
Number of Individuals Covered130
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,675,852
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 38
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered30919
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $5,490,729
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $501,276
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedCRITICAL ILLNESS & ACCIDENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $10,828,767
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $5,490,729
Amount paid for insurance broker fees501276
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008348
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008348
Number of Individuals Covered49908
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $42,460
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,658,931
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $42,460
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS SALES & SERVICE
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number2001-001 & SUBS
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification number2001-001 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1141
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,907,893
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & SUBS
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered827
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $10,605,649
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & SUBS
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1417
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $25,434,241
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract number41635
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number41635
Number of Individuals Covered145
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,595,592
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered72835
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,359,549
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 52566 )
Policy contract number715
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number715
Number of Individuals Covered2473
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,842,759
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62308 )
Policy contract number0408779
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number0408779
Number of Individuals Covered1831
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,032,421
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered100
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,515,931
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered1767
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $43,272,355
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered72
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,601,984
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberLMC
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberLMC
Number of Individuals Covered4
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,983
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ALLIANT PLUS - WA POS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47376 )
Policy contract number55245 & SUBS
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number55245 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered73
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,636,442
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered35
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,155,607
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK018358
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification numberLK018358
Number of Individuals Covered1647
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $2,305
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $355,127
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,305
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008358
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008358
Number of Individuals Covered9037
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,287,958
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered90455
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $61,580
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $61,580
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
DAVIS VISION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number001,002,C02,C0B
Policy instance 31
Insurance contract or identification number001,002,C02,C0B
Number of Individuals Covered9821
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $19,532
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $390,636
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $19,532
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameL&L CONSULTING
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberG0846
Policy instance 30
Insurance contract or identification numberG0846
Number of Individuals Covered36507
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,134,810
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $274,043
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $5,880,920
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $2,773,649
Amount paid for insurance broker fees274043
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameBUCK CONSULTANTS, LLC
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberTDI001120
Policy instance 29
Insurance contract or identification numberTDI001120
Number of Individuals Covered189
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $84,101
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95490 )
Policy contract number172310; 172312
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification number172310; 172312
Number of Individuals Covered1
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,573
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered6818
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $12,134
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,035,436
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $12,134
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS
MONUMENTAL LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66281 )
Policy contract numberC3802-B
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberC3802-B
Number of Individuals Covered580
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $846,825
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered32
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,515
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered4085
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $328,760
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23748-1
Policy instance 18
Insurance contract or identification number23748-1
Number of Individuals Covered62622
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $20,868
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $20,868
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8271
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,111
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,626,663
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,111
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered120988
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $18,041
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,413,978
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $18,041
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered128
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,098,624
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered223
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,138,519
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered1956
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $869,889
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number101200 & SUBS
Policy instance 12
Insurance contract or identification number101200 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1038
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,145,803
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF HAWAII (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number5-0002 & SUBS
Policy instance 11
Insurance contract or identification number5-0002 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1872
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $26,692,368
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
HAWAII MEDICAL SERVICE ASSOC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 49948 )
Policy contract number41635
Policy instance 10
Insurance contract or identification number41635
Number of Individuals Covered209
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,038,520
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
EYEMED VISION CARE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 71870 )
Policy contract number9657016
Policy instance 9
Insurance contract or identification number9657016
Number of Individuals Covered78895
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $12,886,837
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 52566 )
Policy contract number715
Policy instance 8
Insurance contract or identification number715
Number of Individuals Covered3233
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,492,791
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62308 )
Policy contract number0408779
Policy instance 7
Insurance contract or identification number0408779
Number of Individuals Covered1758
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,037,095
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA INC. (G0386) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96962 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered123
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,627,192
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF GEORGIA, INC/ (G0385) (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 54801 )
Policy contract number174524
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number174524
Number of Individuals Covered2126
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $42,714,745
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ANTHEM BLUE CROSS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number173039-1,4,5
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number173039-1,4,5
Number of Individuals Covered87
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,577,061
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AMERICAN HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 60534 )
Policy contract numberLMC
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberLMC
Number of Individuals Covered6
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,912
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
ALLIANT PLUS - WA POS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 47376 )
Policy contract number55245 & SUBS
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number55245 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered101
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,869,803
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95088 )
Policy contract number0701220HNO
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number0701220HNO
Number of Individuals Covered44
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,145,525
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95669 )
Policy contract number2001-001 & SUBS
Policy instance 13
Insurance contract or identification number2001-001 & SUBS
Number of Individuals Covered1427
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $21,869,591
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008348
Policy instance 14
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008348
Number of Individuals Covered53550
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,907,357
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
MONUMENTAL LIFE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 66281 )
Policy contract numberC3802-B
Policy instance 26
Insurance contract or identification numberC3802-B
Number of Individuals Covered590
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $906,335
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract number1840000
Policy instance 25
Insurance contract or identification number1840000
Number of Individuals Covered42
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $3,524
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64548 )
Policy contract numberNYD074268
Policy instance 24
Insurance contract or identification numberNYD074268
Number of Individuals Covered4036
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $257,525
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberSDJ007632
Policy instance 23
Insurance contract or identification numberSDJ007632
Number of Individuals Covered2479
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $850,361
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UPMC HEALTH PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95216 )
Policy contract number8451
Policy instance 22
Insurance contract or identification number8451
Number of Individuals Covered219
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,436,391
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE - MS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95716 )
Policy contract number65083
Policy instance 21
Insurance contract or identification number65083
Number of Individuals Covered126
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,996,676
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number43406-2
Policy instance 20
Insurance contract or identification number43406-2
Number of Individuals Covered134512
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $18,604
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $11,271,526
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $18,604
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23749-1
Policy instance 19
Insurance contract or identification number23749-1
Number of Individuals Covered8419
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,395
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,295,307
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,395
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
PRUDENTIAL ANNUITIES SERVICE (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 68241 )
Policy contract number23747-1
Policy instance 17
Insurance contract or identification number23747-1
Number of Individuals Covered92306
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $65,861
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?Yes
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $65,861
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameMERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS LLC
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK008358
Policy instance 16
Insurance contract or identification numberLK008358
Number of Individuals Covered7346
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $2,131,053
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK018358
Policy instance 15
Insurance contract or identification numberLK018358
Number of Individuals Covered2051
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $-473,154
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA HEALTH, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 95490 )
Policy contract number172310; 172312
Policy instance 28
Insurance contract or identification number172310; 172312
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $380
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65498 )
Policy contract numberLK 100000
Policy instance 27
Insurance contract or identification numberLK 100000
Number of Individuals Covered15828
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $72,525
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo