

Plan identification number 507


401k Plan TypeWelfare Benefit
Plan Features/Benefits
  • Health (other than dental or vision)
  • Life insurance
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Temporary disability (accident and sickness)
  • Long-term disability cover
  • Death benefits (include travel accident but not life insurance)

401k Sponsoring company profile

CARL WARREN & COMPANY, LLC has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans.

Employer identification number (EIN):952917562
NAIC Classification:524290

Form 5500 Filing Information

Submission information for form 5500 for 401k plan CARL WARREN & COMPANY CONSOLIDATED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN

Plan id# Filing Submission Date Name of Administrator Date Administrator SignedName of Company SponsorDate Sponsor Signed
5072020-01-01MIRA WOLFF2021-05-20
5072019-01-01STEPHANIE MERCADO2020-03-31
5072017-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072016-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2017-08-22
5072015-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072014-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072013-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072012-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072011-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN
5072009-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2014-05-13
5072008-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2014-05-13
5072007-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2014-05-13
5072006-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2014-05-13
5072005-01-01ALLISON DUNCAN ALLISON DUNCAN2014-05-13



Measure Date Value
Total participants, beginning-of-year2020-01-01132
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002020-01-010
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2020-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2020-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2020-01-010
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2020-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2019-01-01142
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002019-01-01132
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2019-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2019-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2019-01-01132
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2019-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2018-01-01170
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002018-01-01142
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2018-01-010
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2018-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2018-01-01142
Number of employers contributing to the scheme2018-01-010
Total participants, beginning-of-year2017-01-01272
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002017-01-01157
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2017-01-013
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2017-01-0110
Total of all active and inactive participants2017-01-01170
Total participants, beginning-of-year2016-01-01244
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002016-01-01257
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2016-01-014
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2016-01-0111
Total of all active and inactive participants2016-01-01272
Total participants, beginning-of-year2015-01-01266
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002015-01-01229
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2015-01-013
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2015-01-0112
Total of all active and inactive participants2015-01-01244
Total participants, beginning-of-year2014-01-01318
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002014-01-01264
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2014-01-012
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2014-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2014-01-01266
Total participants, beginning-of-year2013-01-01334
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002013-01-01310
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2013-01-018
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2013-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2013-01-01318
Total participants, beginning-of-year2012-01-01192
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002012-01-01329
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2012-01-015
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2012-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2012-01-01334
Total participants, beginning-of-year2011-01-01169
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002011-01-01186
Number of retired or separated participants receiving benefits2011-01-016
Number of other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits2011-01-010
Total of all active and inactive participants2011-01-01192
Total participants, beginning-of-year2009-01-01784
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002009-01-011,011
Total of all active and inactive participants2009-01-011,011
Total participants, beginning-of-year2008-01-01749
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002008-01-01784
Total of all active and inactive participants2008-01-01784
Total participants, beginning-of-year2007-01-01870
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002007-01-01749
Total of all active and inactive participants2007-01-01749
Total participants, beginning-of-year2006-01-01861
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002006-01-01870
Total of all active and inactive participants2006-01-01870
Total participants, beginning-of-year2005-01-011,097
Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 55002005-01-01861
Total of all active and inactive participants2005-01-01861


2020-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2020-01-01This submission is the final filingYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2020-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2019-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2018-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2017-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2017-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2017-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2017-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2017-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2016-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2016-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2016-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2016-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2016-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2015-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2015-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2015-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2015-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2015-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2014-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2014-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2014-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2014-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2014-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2013-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2013-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2013-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2013-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2013-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2012-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2012-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2012-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2012-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2012-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2012-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2012-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2012-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2012-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2011-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2011-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2011-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2011-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2011-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2011-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Plan funding arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2011-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2011-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – General assets of the sponsorYes
2009-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2009-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2009-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2009-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2009-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2009-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2009-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2008-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2008-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2008-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2008-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2008-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2008-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2008-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2007-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2007-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2007-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2007-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2007-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2007-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2007-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2006-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2006-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2006-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2006-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2006-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2006-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2006-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes
2005-01-01Type of plan entitySingle employer plan
2005-01-01Submission has been amendedNo
2005-01-01This submission is the final filingNo
2005-01-01This return/report is a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months)No
2005-01-01Plan is a collectively bargained planNo
2005-01-01Plan funding arrangement – InsuranceYes
2005-01-01Plan benefit arrangement – InsuranceYes

Insurance Providers Used on plan

VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered121
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $816
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $13,517
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $816
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number3342512
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number3342512
Number of Individuals Covered108
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $56,528
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $678
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,078,524
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $56,528
Amount paid for insurance broker fees678
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSERVICE/GENERAL AGENT PAYMENTS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered134
Insurance policy start date2020-01-01
Insurance policy end date2020-09-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,855
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $5,259
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $62,000
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,855
Amount paid for insurance broker fees5259
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered132
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $10,621
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $484
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $83,819
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $10,621
Amount paid for insurance broker fees484
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerFEES
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number3342512
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number3342512
Number of Individuals Covered35
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $21,829
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $436,580
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $21,829
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA DENTAL HEALTH OF CALIFORNIA,INC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number3342512
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number3342512
Number of Individuals Covered14
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $947
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $9,467
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $947
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered121
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,087
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $19,833
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,087
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
CIGNA HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AND AFFILIATES (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 67369 )
Policy contract number3342512
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number3342512
Number of Individuals Covered110
Insurance policy start date2019-01-01
Insurance policy end date2019-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $79,436
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $2,054
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,502,580
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $79,436
Amount paid for insurance broker fees2054
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSERVICE/GENERAL AGENT PAYMENTS
Insurance broker organization code?3
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract numberKM05941416
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification numberKM05941416
Number of Individuals Covered212
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $4,178
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $384
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $83,429
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $4,178
Amount paid for insurance broker fees384
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION NON-MONETARY COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number762509
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number762509
Number of Individuals Covered123
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $49,376
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $117
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $976,566
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $49,376
Amount paid for insurance broker fees117
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerINDIRECT COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered130
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,157
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $21,906
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,075
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered142
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $11,221
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $95,691
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,622
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96030 )
Policy contract numberKM05941416
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification numberKM05941416
Number of Individuals Covered82
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $508
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $41
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $10,001
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $508
Amount paid for insurance broker fees41
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA HEALTH, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number762509HNO
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number762509HNO
Number of Individuals Covered68
Insurance policy start date2018-01-01
Insurance policy end date2018-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $20,410
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $413,348
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $20,410
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered157
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,948
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $98,543
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,948
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CA INSURANCE SERVICES
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered146
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,238
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $24,800
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,238
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CORPORATE SERVICES
SAFEGUARD HEALTH PLANS, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 96030 )
Policy contract numberKM05941416
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberKM05941416
Number of Individuals Covered102
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $690
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $686
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $14,818
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $690
Amount paid for insurance broker fees686
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CA INSURANCE SERVICES
METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65978 )
Policy contract numberKM05941416
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberKM05941416
Number of Individuals Covered238
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $3,896
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $4,024
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $84,968
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $3,896
Amount paid for insurance broker fees4024
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerSUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CA INSURANCE SERVICES
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number0762509
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number0762509
Number of Individuals Covered147
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $52,088
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,131,533
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $52,088
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CA INSURANCE SERVICES
AETNA HEALTH, INC. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number0762509HNO
Policy instance 6
Insurance contract or identification number0762509HNO
Number of Individuals Covered68
Insurance policy start date2017-01-01
Insurance policy end date2017-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,552
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $384,443
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,552
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameNFP CA INSURANCE SERVICES
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered202
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,400
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $31,211
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,400
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered232
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $24,843
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $11,801
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D, OPTIONAL LIFE, OPTIONAL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $292,003
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $24,843
Amount paid for insurance broker fees11801
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
EXCESS REINSURANCE UNDERWRITERS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 26921 )
Policy contract numberN/A
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberN/A
Number of Individuals Covered150
Insurance policy start date2015-01-01
Insurance policy end date2015-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $924,201
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
NATIONWIDE LIFE INS. CO. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 0000 )
Policy contract numberN/A
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification numberN/A
Number of Individuals Covered176
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $982,014
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered224
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,549
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $37,771
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,549
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 64246 )
Policy contract number495122
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number495122
Number of Individuals Covered264
Insurance policy start date2014-01-01
Insurance policy end date2014-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $26,972
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D, OPTIONAL LIFE, OPTIONAL AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $323,803
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $26,972
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered273
Insurance policy start date2013-01-01
Insurance policy end date2013-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,747
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $44,830
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,378
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
AIG MEDICAL EXCESS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 19445 )
Policy contract numberN/A
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberN/A
Number of Individuals Covered216
Insurance policy start date2013-01-01
Insurance policy end date2013-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,073,670
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number10152628
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number10152628
Number of Individuals Covered319
Insurance policy start date2013-01-01
Insurance policy end date2013-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $22,816
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D, WEEKLY INCOME, VOLUNTARY LIFE & AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $179,999
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,451
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered547
Insurance policy start date2013-01-01
Insurance policy end date2013-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $10,275
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $209,169
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $10,275
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered566
Insurance policy start date2012-01-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,873
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $136
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $159,937
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,873
Amount paid for insurance broker fees136
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 65675 )
Policy contract number10152628/14793
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number10152628/14793
Number of Individuals Covered329
Insurance policy start date2012-01-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $24,354
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D, WEEKLY INCOME, VOLUNTARY LIFE & AD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $168,616
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $24,354
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
Insurance broker nameCLEVIDENCE INS. SVCS INV
AIG MEDICAL EXCESS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 19445 )
Policy contract numberN/A
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberN/A
Number of Individuals Covered235
Insurance policy start date2012-01-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $1,204,846
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered290
Insurance policy start date2012-01-01
Insurance policy end date2012-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,825
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $43,913
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,825
Amount paid for insurance broker fees0
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerCOMMISSIONS
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number092949
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number092949
Number of Individuals Covered186
Insurance policy start date2011-01-01
Insurance policy end date2011-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,714
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $75,091
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AIG MEDICAL EXCESS (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 19445 )
Policy contract numberN/A
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification numberN/A
Number of Individuals Covered133
Insurance policy start date2011-01-01
Insurance policy end date2011-12-31
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $439,222
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered332
Insurance policy start date2011-01-01
Insurance policy end date2011-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,012
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $121,625
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered176
Insurance policy start date2011-01-01
Insurance policy end date2011-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,311
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $26,617
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number526987
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number526987
Number of Individuals Covered0
Insurance policy start date2011-01-01
Insurance policy end date2011-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $-117
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $-2,334
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered503
Insurance policy start date2010-01-01
Insurance policy end date2010-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $5,942
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $118,385
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered163
Insurance policy start date2010-01-01
Insurance policy end date2010-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,241
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $24,284
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number92949/92950
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number92949/92950
Number of Individuals Covered169
Insurance policy start date2010-01-01
Insurance policy end date2010-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $8,475
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $552
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedAD&D
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $73,574
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number405819
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number405819
Number of Individuals Covered48
Insurance policy start date2010-01-01
Insurance policy end date2010-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $18,141
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $390,324
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number526987
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number526987
Number of Individuals Covered94
Insurance policy start date2010-01-01
Insurance policy end date2010-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $46,212
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $924,247
Did the insurance company fail to provide any information necessary to complete Schedule A of form 5500?No
UNITED HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number351566
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number351566
Number of Individuals Covered101
Insurance policy start date2009-01-01
Insurance policy end date2009-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $0
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $37,834
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $827,846
Amount paid for insurance broker fees37834
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerBONUS
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered515
Insurance policy start date2009-01-01
Insurance policy end date2009-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $7,152
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $657
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $125,908
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $7,152
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees402
Additional information about fees paid to insurance broker2008 MIDDLE MKT GROUP INS RETENTION BONUS STD
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 5
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered165
Insurance policy start date2009-07-01
Insurance policy end date2010-05-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,138
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $21,054
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,138
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 62235 )
Policy contract number092949
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number092949
Number of Individuals Covered174
Insurance policy start date2009-01-01
Insurance policy end date2009-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $6,403
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $53,731
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $6,403
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number405819
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number405819
Number of Individuals Covered56
Insurance policy start date2009-01-01
Insurance policy end date2009-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $19,222
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $364,427
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $19,222
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered486
Insurance policy start date2008-01-01
Insurance policy end date2008-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $12,481
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $178,893
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $12,481
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number405819
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number405819
Number of Individuals Covered46
Insurance policy start date2008-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $5,409
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $128,188
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $5,409
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITED HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number526987
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number526987
Number of Individuals Covered94
Insurance policy start date2008-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-12-31
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $16,622
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $332,432
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $16,622
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered163
Insurance policy start date2008-07-01
Insurance policy end date2009-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,136
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $21,010
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,136
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITEDHEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 79413 )
Policy contract number405819
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number405819
Number of Individuals Covered45
Insurance policy start date2007-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $9,749
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $194,971
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $9,749
Insurance broker organization code?3
UNITED HEALTHCARE OF CALIFORNIA (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract number526987
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number526987
Number of Individuals Covered90
Insurance policy start date2007-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $31,678
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $633,563
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $31,678
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered457
Insurance policy start date2007-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $12,703
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $176,943
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $12,703
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 4
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered157
Insurance policy start date2007-07-01
Insurance policy end date2008-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,113
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $20,223
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,113
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract numberUS345486
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberUS345486
Number of Individuals Covered213
Insurance policy start date2006-07-01
Insurance policy end date2007-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $18,892
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $531
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $607,188
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $18,892
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees531
Additional information about fees paid to insurance brokerPM SUPER MEDICAL CROSS-SALE
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered498
Insurance policy start date2006-07-01
Insurance policy end date2007-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $17,881
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $354,074
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $17,881
Insurance broker organization code?3
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered159
Insurance policy start date2006-07-01
Insurance policy end date2007-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,121
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $20,508
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $1,121
Insurance broker organization code?3
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 80012 )
Policy contract number812281
Policy instance 2
Insurance contract or identification number812281
Number of Individuals Covered482
Insurance policy start date2005-07-01
Insurance policy end date2006-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $21,102
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $10,704
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Other welfare benefits providedACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $382,230
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $15,032
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees6247
Additional information about fees paid to insurance broker2005 MM NEW BUSINESS BONUS - MEDICAL
Insurance broker nameASHBROOK-CLEVIDENCE INC
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: 00000 )
Policy contract numberUS345486
Policy instance 1
Insurance contract or identification numberUS345486
Number of Individuals Covered218
Insurance policy start date2005-07-01
Insurance policy end date2006-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $23,332
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $12,080
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $657,483
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $14,962
Insurance broker organization code?3
Amount paid for insurance broker fees6247
Additional information about fees paid to insurance broker2005 MM NEW BUSINESS BONUS MEDICAL
VISION SERVICE PLAN (National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC id number: )
Policy contract number12147098
Policy instance 3
Insurance contract or identification number12147098
Number of Individuals Covered161
Insurance policy start date2005-07-01
Insurance policy end date2006-06-30
Total amount of commissions paid to insurance brokerUSD $1,226
Total amount of fees paid to insurance companyUSD $0
Are there contracts with allocated funds for individual policies?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for group deferred annuity?No
Are there contracts with allocated funds for types other than group deferred annuity or individual?No
Contract purchased, in whole or in part, to distribute benefits from a terminating planNo
Contracts With Unallocated Funds Deposit Administration0
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type immediate participation guarantee?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contracts of type guaranteed investment?No
Are there contracts with unallocated funds for contract types other than deposit administration, immediate participation guarantee or guaranteed investment?No
Health Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Dental Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Vision Insurance Welfare BenefitYes
Life Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Temporary Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Long Term Disability Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Unemployment Insurance Welfare BenefitNo
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid in cash?No
Were dividends or retroactive rate refunds paid as a credit?No
Welfare Benefit Premiums Paid to CarrierUSD $23,980
Commission paid to Insurance BrokerUSD $832
Insurance broker organization code?3

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